The Analects

This is a curated collection of essays, poems, and extracts brought together for the purpose of reading and discoursing on publicly.

**The Principle or Foundation by Gerard Manley Hopkins**

**Address to Young Men on the Right Use of Greek Literature by St Basil the Great**

**Lost Tools of Learning by Dorothy Sayers**

Extracts from Dedication and Leadership by Douglas Hyde

Extracts from The Communication Catalyst by Mickey Connolly & Richard Rianoshek

Extracts from The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin

Extracts from The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth by John Maxwell

Extracts from The Captain Class by Sam Walker

Extracts from Shop Class as Soulcraft by Matthew Crawford

Extracts from The First Twenty Hours by Josh Kaufman

Extracts from You're Invited by Jon Levy

Extracts from The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups by Daniel Coyle

Canon Shelf

These are books (and other media) we formally recommend to everyone within the Academy and to those interested in our vision. They are not simply books we like; they are a part of our identity. It is endlessly growing, so feel free to suggest additions!


The Art of Learning by Josh Waitzkin

Ultralearning: Master Hard Skills, Outsmart the Competition, and Accelerate Your Career by Scott Young

The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance by W. Timothy Gallwey